Saturday, April 12, 2014

Blogs vs Twitter and Facebook

The following insightful article was obtained from this website:

A little over a year ago Chris Shiflett blogged that we need a blogging revival because conversation which was once on blogs has moved to Twitter and, in his opinion, there’s less quality discussion and debate on Twitter than there was on blogs.
He doesn’t think more blogging would hurt Twitter, indeed it would benefit it as Twitter is a natural way to share that content. So, the call to blog is not a backlash against Twitter, it’s a reminder of why bothare needed.
Here’s his list of reasons why he thinks blogs are great:
  • Posts can be as short or are long as you want.
  • You don’t have to use broken language to fit a complete thought.
  • Posts aren’t immediately lost in a sea of updates.
  • Posts can be easily found later.
  • You don’t have to know what’s trending among the riff-raff of the Internet.
  • Posts tend to be more meaningful.
  • All conversation related to a post is easy to find.
I’ve just read through all the responses I could find, and here’s a summary of some of the additional thoughts people had:
  • Blogging requires more thought, reasoning for opinions, refining, details, deep expression and reflection than tweeting. Tweets are valuable for quick (incomplete) thoughts and light conversation but we often need more than that. Tweets are snacks between meals, signposts to feasts. The real banquets are blog posts. Drew McLellanSean CoatesJon Tangerine
  • Blogging helps you find like-minded people to talk to and work with and a sense of community (David RhodenRian van der Merwe)
  • Blog conversations don’t force you into an artificial relationship like “Facebook friend” or “Twitter follower” (David Rhoden)
  • Blogs are in a database that you own and control – you can edit it or throw it away at any time. (David RhodenAnthony Killeen)
  • Facebook and Twitter aren’t a replacement for your own personal history of things you want to say online. (David Rhoden)
  • Comments and discussions are there in context. (Anthony Killeen)
  • Blog posts are better indexed by search engines. When was the last time you Googled a question and got a Tweet or Facebook status update which answered it? (David RhodenJeremy Cook)
  • Blog posts are more educational, spread knowledge and are helpful to newbies. (Clive Walker,Rafael DohmsCourt Ewing)
  • Blog posts are timeless: they don’t expire. (Rafael Dohms)
  • Blog posts showcase your thinking as a professional and get your name out there. (Rafael Dohms)
  • Blogging takes more courage: tweets are easier to correct. Blogging opens you up to real critique and criticism. Joe Leech)
Rather ironically, the hashtag #ideasofmarch now no longer brings up any of the tweets about the topic.
Reading through the numerous blog posts, I noticed that there was a collective sense of longing for the good old days of blogging before Twitter and Facebook came along.  Those days when we weren’t so lazy and made the time to write in long form because our thinking was refined during the process and we really did form deep connections and blogging communities. There was regret for neglecting our blogs for tweets and status updates (but not wanting to do away with the latter either), and a desire to blog more once again.
There was a sense that true blogging was (and still is) about honesty, learning, growth. It was about opening yourself up to critique and trolls but also finding cheerleaders, mentors and fellow journeyers. There was a sense that we’re missing out on good insightful blog posts being written, and a proliferation of “Top 10 ways to get people to link up to your blog”.
There was a sadness that blog comments aren’t so lively any more: the comments are disparate, brief and shallow.
I know that every time I blog, I feel rewarded: I’ve thought things through, I’ve learnt things and I’ve worried a teeny bit about what other people are thinking in response.
The best text information I find online is still via blog posts.
The best way I find out about deep thoughts friends or strangers have online is still via blog posts.
The best place to find tutorials, help and ideas is still via blog posts. I may get there via Facebook or Twitter or Pinterest, but they’re signposts to the real content.

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